The Independent-Herald from Hinton, West Virginia (2024)

MEN WHO REGISTERED AS OF 21 YEARS OF AGE ON JUNE 5, 1918, AT DRAFT BOARD HEADQUARTERS George Sanderson, col. Hinton. Constantine Valasiadys, Pine Bluff, Ark. Virgil Guy Dodd, Jumping Branch. -Edgar Very Allen, Forest Hill.

James Finnell Ballengee, Hinton. Brooks Clare Akers, Dunns. James Robert Taylor, Hinton. Frank Comer Hedrick, Talcott. James Oliver Wheeler, Clayton.

James Francis Stover, Lowell. Alfred Clarence Bowles, Hinton. Virgil "Leo Zickafoose, Green Sulphur Springs. Charley Clarence Wiseman, Bellepoint. Cosby Boyd, Alderson.

John Randolph Reynolds, Green Sulphur Springs. Lawrence Simms, Humoco. Okey Lilly, Flat Top. Otis Tennis Grimmett, Judson. Charles Ross Lilly, Hinton.

Kellis R. Grimmett, Judson. John Sherwood Hawley, Hin ton. Thomas Leigh Read, Hinton. Wylie Spurgeon Ailstock, Hinton.

Fred Meadows, Bellepoint. Ray Luster Martin, True. Edgar Carden, Indian Mills. Bay Harold Mowery, Forest Hill. Claude Charles Mitchell, Forest Hill.

Ernest Abraham Palmer, Bellepoint. Okey Lee Farmer, True. George William Harry Miller, Pence Springs. Jennings Bryan Harvey, Bertha. Boyd Homer Eskew, Tophet.

Henry Carl Anderson, Crumps Bottom. Robert Guy Pack, Bellepoint. Clarence Earl Okes, Ellison. Garrett A. Hobart Lilly, Ellison William Loran Wood, Hinton.

Clarence Acle Foster, Bellepoint. Clarence William McVey, Hinton. William Burl Mize, Bertha. John Melamsphord Bragg, Judson. Charley Williams, Hinton.

Joseph Green Williams, Hinton Edward Russell Keadle, Bertha Frank Mann, Bertha. Jasper Paul Keaton, Pipestem. Robert Porter Martin, Bertha. Luther Guy Hogan, Hinton. Aaron Clint Talbert, Hinton.

London McKinney, Sandstone. Lacy Lee McKinney, Streeter. Albert Ernest Lilly, Jumping Branch. William Hobart Cooper, Lilly. Moody Pike Thornton, Jumping Branch.

Owen Clyde Meadows, Bellepoint. Guy Huston Huffman, Buck. John Richard Lilly, Hinton. Homer Tennyson Christian, Neponset. Albert Hill, Pipestem.

Frank Neal Parker, Jumping Branch. John William Donahoe, Lawn. Finley Humphries Spangler, Junta. Estie Bryant McGraw, Clute. William Jennings Lilly, Elton.

James Earl. Hoke, Meadow Creek. Curtis Carter, Humoco. Herber McKinley Adkins, Hinson. Thomas Guy Porter, Hinton.

Luther Francis Hicks, Hinton, Okey Jennings Hellems, Hinton William Russell Kirk, Sandstone. Daniel Elbert Bragg, Sand stone. Lonnie Lilly, Flat Top. Julian Webster Gill, Sandstone. Russell Malcom Simms, Hinton.

Jesse William Hume Smith, Hinton. Jesse George Pack, Streeter. -Douglass Christian Tomkies, Hinton. Robert Ray Evans, Ramp. Homer Francis Bragg, Hinton.

Arthur Gilbert Adkins, Judson. Fred Johnson Wesley, Ballard. Clerven Henry Vandall, Lawn. William Jennings Kesler, Ramp Harvey Claude Ballengee, Bellepoint. William Hobart Adkins, Hinton.

Samuel Hobart Crook, Jumping Branch. Rayborn Jennings Wickline, Clute. Earl Watson Yago, Hinton. Ray C. Huddleston, Hinton.

Charlie' Clodie Rollyson, Ta cott. Kelly Joseph Cook, Hinton. Bryan Willis Ryan. 'Talcott Frank Marco Taylor, Bronhurst. Hobart McKinley Clowers, Neponset.

Henry Alvis Harvey, Hinton, Okland S. Bowden, Santifee. Otey Ashby Adkins, Talcott. Tessie Hobart Shumate, Neponset. Bartbolomew Luke Twohig, Springdale.

Silas Estel Lane, True. Cecil Jennings Williams, Warford. William Bryan Butler, Lick Creek. John Charlton Bigony, Hinton. Wm.

Jennings Bryan Vest, Hinton. Archie Thompson, Jumping Branch. Oren Hobart Beckett, Warford. Harry Ray Parker, Hinton. Ashby Herbert Boyd, Alderson.

Walter Dotson, Clayton. Charlie Lester Cales, Hinton. Sam Benjamin Hannan, Hinton. Carson Patrick, Wiggins. Silas Clayton Lester, Hinton.

Vivian Edward Sydnor, Hinton. William Jennings Bryan Farley, Pipestem. Ethiel Barah Vest, Jumping Branch. Olonzo Bennett Quesenberry, Jumping Branch. Mack Buckland, Judson.

Basil Webster Lilly, Jumping Branch. Harold Lee Cascie, Hinton. Homer Jennings Cyrus, Grassy Meadows. William McKinley Ellison, Ellison. William Arthur Scott, Forest Hill.

Hobart C. Ballengee, Clayton. Earl Emerson Briers, Bellepoint. Barry Edward Spinks, Caldwell. Edgar Lake McNeer, Marie.

Oakley Homer Perdue, Marie. Harry Truman Honaker, Hinton. Raymond Glenn Graham, Elkins. Hobart Nichols, Hinton. Charles Alfred Taylor, Bertha.

Elva Wilbert Bennett, Jumping Branch. William Carl Mooney, Jumping Branch. Simon Peter Bennett, Hinton. Jesse Guy Saunders, Forest Hill. Goochie Hobart Skelton, Duans.

Gratton Mitchell Daugherty, Hinton. Christopher Columbus Gwinn, Lockbridge. Corbett Miller, Clayton. Percy Price, Col. Hinton.

Lee Andrew Payne, col. Hinton. Walter William White, col. Hinton. Solon Brady Brigg, col.

Hinton. Joseph Douglass Smith, col. Hinton. William Nathaniel Williams, col. Hinton.

Arthur Harmond, col. Meadow Creek. William Brooks, col. Lowell. Robert Owens Leake, Hinton.

William Hobart Stickler, moco. John Robert Beverly Hinton. Burned Cecil Angell, Hinton. GREAT BATTLE RESULTS IN LOSS OF FOOD CROP London, June 4 -Serious loss resulted from the great battle in France in the ruin of great areas of land behind the old British lines, which were under cultivation by the army. The British and French Food departments were carrying out on a large scale a scheme for grow ing vegetables behind the lines for the use of the soldiers.

The last official figure of the land cultivated in this way in the zone of the British army was 000 acres, although in regent months the figure has been much increased. A great deal of new work had been done in the neighborhood of Peronne, and at Ham, Epehy and near Chauny. All this land had been ploughed with American tractors ploughs and a great deal of it planted with Another work which has been lost is that begun by the Quakers to succor the victims or the war in the territories won back from the Germans a year ago. The Quakers had a large farm near Ham which was their general beadquarters, from which they were sending out automobile tractors to plough land, were helping the returned peasants to restore their market-gardens, and were providing them with goats to replace the cattle taken by the enemy. This work will probably have to.

be Zoned until the war ends. SENATOR HAWLEY INDICTED UNDER PROHIBITION LAWS Huntington, June 7 -The Cabell county grand jury has voted to return true bills against State Senator W. P. Hawley, of Bluefield, his brother, J. L.

Hawley, of Bluefield, and E. F. Diebl, of Charleston, assistant state bank examiner. The charge is alleged violation of state prohibition laws. It is claimed that they brought more liquor into the state than is permitted by law.

All three of the men indicted, when the automobile in which they were riding through Hunt ington was stopped by prohibition officers, denied ownership of the liquor that was found in the machine, and on that denial they were released by the officers. Later, however, Commissioner Hallanan called the attention of the prosecuting attorney of Cabell county to the case for his vestigation, and the evidence he placed before the grand jury resulted in the return of the indictments. BOY IN TROUBLE From Last Friday'e Daily Issue. Raymond Allen, a 16-year old boy of Montgomery, was arrested here, yesterday, by Chief ofPolice McGhee, charged with burglarizing houses at Montgomery and Handley. At Handley he secured $70 00 and it is said he had recently stolen amounts making his illegal gains about $100.00.

This money he was spending lavishly when arrested. An officer from Montgomery came here and took the youthful prisoner back on No. 3 this a. m. MR.

NEWHALL NAMED W. H. Newhali, formerly field agent for the 0. G. Blake at Thurmond, W.

has been appointed chief fuel inspector for the fuel administration for Dis trict 15-the New River and Raleigh county fields, with head quarters at Thurmond. -Fayette Tribute. Ola E. Garten, Talcott. Paul Joseph Fitzpatrick, Hinton.

Emmett Arthur Gray, Pipestem. SIXTEEN MILLION ASKED FOR COAST AIR DEFENSE Washington, Jane sixteen million dollar appropriation for establishing balloon and seaplane stations to guard the United States against submarine and air attacks was asked of congress today by the war department. The department desires to establish sixteen stations, thirteen of them on the Atlantic coast and three on the Gulf coast. Definite locations were not given. The coast defense plans as submitted the department also calls for the establishment of mobile fortifications along the coasts by which guns could be transferred on railroads from one point to another to meet possible attacks.

The bouse appropriations committee, to whom the request went, was informed that there are in operation a sufficient number of aircraft to defend the coasts adequately, but that the stations are needed. The only possible airplane attacks that could be made, it was said, would come from collapsible airplanes carried by submarines. Operation of cbservation balloons would be largely for sighal purposes. MESSAGE OF SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY To All Liberty Loan Workers "A greater number of individuals than ever before known own government bonds as a result of your splendid work during the Third Liberty Loan Campaign. The number of stockholders in the government should be still further increased through the sale of War Savings Stamps and the teaching of thrift and econom.v, and the necessity for serving labor and material should be continuous." "Friday, June been des: ignatea as "'National War Savings when a special effort will be made throughout the nation to secure pledges from.

every American to save and economize and to purchase War Savings Stamps. I earnestly desire that Liberty Loan workers shall render all assistance possible to War Saving Committees in this campaign. The more thoroughly the necessity for indiyidual saving and economy is brought home to the people of the nation the easwill be our work in future Liberty Bond issues, the more quickly and adequately can the army and navy be equipped, and the more certain will be the future welfare and prosperity of our people." "May I beg you to do everything in your power to enlist every American as a patriotic war saver and owner of War Savings Stamps." W. G. McAdoo.

MARRIAGES Burnett Muthisspaul, of Lexington, and Miss Clara Shull, of Staunton, were married at the Methodist parsonage, May 27th, Rev. Dr. Light officiating. Jasper H. Foster and Miss P.

Ramsey, of this community, were united in marriage at 9 o'clock, p. May 27th, at the Methodist parsonage; the pastor, Rev. John H. Light, officiated. LONDON NOT ALARMED London, June the U- boat invasion of American waters had been expected for some time and that the realization will only serve to increase if possible the already immense naval and military efforts of America is the view commonly expressed in the press here.

The morning, newspapers gave the news of the submarine operations prominence second only to the operations on the western front and comment on it as a matter not calling for alarm. LETTER FROM FRANCE ALLIES ALLIES CONTINVE TO GAIN Mr. and Mrs. John D. Germer.

received Friday morning, the fol lowing letter from their son, Cor poral John Dawson Germer, of the Aviation Signal Corps, and who is now in France: Dear Mother and Father: France at last. Had quite an interesting trip over. Good weather all of the way, and I was fortunate to avoid the sea disease. So many of the fellows were sick. I am in a fine location near the American Y.

M. C. -A. and as there is always something going on to amuse us fellows, it isn't bad at all -if anything it is better than my first camp in the United States. The language is not hard to learn at least enough of it to get by with.

Nearly everybody we meet knows a little English, so we make out some way. Also there are quite a number in my company who can speak French. It may seem strange, but I don't realize I am away from the States, yet. But I suppose that feeling will change after I am separated from the outfit that I came over with. As it is, there is scarcely any change, other than the long hours of dayligbt.

We are housed in comfortable barracks, plenty of room and no quarantine. So altogether I think it is first-class. 1 have. any bf their famous wines as yet, but I suppose that will come in due time. Everything here is cheap compared to what we have been paying in the States.

I had a complete change laundried for only 34 cents. Good bye, love to all; will write soon. Tell all the boys, "This is the life." JOSEPH H. GAINES IS CANDIDATE FOR U. S.

SENATE Joseph Holt Gaines, of Charleston, former member of congress from the old Third district, now the Sixth, is a candidate for the Republican nomination for the United States senate, Mr. Gaines' definite decision to get into the race. was made known to his friends last night, and it has been the chief subject of political gossip about the city and at the capitol today. For several weeks, it is under stood, the former congressman has been considering the proposition upon the urgent demands this friends and he made up his mind definitely Wednesday to make a try for the choice of the Republican voters of the state. King Gets Ten Years Ira King, who confessed to holding up and robbing a Boston woman of over $2,000 worth of jewelry on the Catamount trail at White Sulphur Springs re sort, has been sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary.

By United Press Paris, June -French troops, co-operating with American troops, west of Chateau- Thierry continue to advance on the northerly portion of that front. The French war office announced that violent German attacks on the southern portions of the line in that region, had been repulsed with heavy losses to the enemy. London, June Successful British raids are reported by General Haig. Out on Parole Theodore Hoke and his son, Jesse, who were sentenced to the penitentiary for seven years alter trial in Greenbrier circuit court on a charge of robbing a C. 0.

box car, were paroled last week and on Thursday returned to their homes in Second Ureek district, Monroe county. They have made model prisoners and their lazars their permanent liberation. 'I'hree years ago these men, who had broken out of Lewisburg jail, figured in an affray near their home in the mountains of Second Creek district, brought about by the attempt of Sheriff Cochran, of Pocabontas county, and Deputy Sharp to arrest them. Both the Hokes were shot and seriously wounded, but recovered. EMIL ANDERSON WRITES Camp Dodge, Hdqrs.

92nd Dear Mother: June 4, 1918. Dear Mother: Well I am to remain in this country a few days longer. Just a day before our regiment moved there came an order that sent us here. I have been very busy since I bave been here and still I am not straight. We were commissioned a day or so ago.

We are now Assistant Instructors in the Fourth Officers Training School. I am the Supply Officer. Hereafter you may address me as Lt. Anderson. Will write more soon.

Your son, Emile E. Anderson, Young Men Volunteer Washington, June 6- Two dred and fifty thousand, or approximately one out of every four young men who have become 21 years of age since June 5, 1917, voluntarily have offered their lives in defense of their country before being required to do so under the law making them subject to the selective service regalations. CALLED HER FAMILY TO HER BEDSIDE Six Years Ago, Thinking She Might Die, Says Texas Lady, But Now She la a Well, Strong Woman and Praises Cardui For Her Recovery. Royse City, Mary man, of this place, says; "After. the birth of my little my side commenced to hurt me.

1 bad to go back to bed. We called the doctor. He treated but I got no better. got worse and worse until the misery was in bed for three montha and suffered such agony that I was just drawn up in a I told my husband if he would get me a bottle of Cardul I would try it. I commenced taking it, however, that evening I called my family about for I knew I could not last many days unless I had a change for the better.

That was six years and I am still here and am a well strong woman, and 1 owe my lite to Cardul. I had only taken half the bottle when I began to feel better. The misery in my side got 1 continued right on taking the Cardul until I had taken three bottles and did not need any more for I was well and never felt better in my have never had any trouble from that day to this." Do you suffer from headache, ache, pains in sides, or other discomforts, each month? Or do you weak, nervous and tagged- out? If 80, give Cardul, the woman's tonio, trial. 11.

The Independent-Herald from Hinton, West Virginia (2024)
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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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